• Discuss basic dressage theory, showing knowledge of the training pyramid and use of natural aids.

  • Discuss appropriate use of artificial aids and training devices.

  • Demonstrate a self-directed, progressive schooling session, with consideration of mount’s strengths and weaknesses.

  • Ride various ring figures at walk, jog and lope, demonstrating rhythm, relaxation, bend and connection. Horse should work through the back with acceptance of light aids.

  • Ride accurate, balanced transitions, including halts and transitions between the walk and lope.

  • Demonstrate the following maneuvers:
    --Turn on the haunches
    --Leg yield

  • Countercanter

  • Ride a simple change of lead through the walk or a flying change of lead, appropriate to the horse.

  • Demonstrate lengthening and shortening stride, developing medium and collected gaits.

  • Ride and evaluate an unfamiliar horse, to include work at all three gaits and through basic ring figures.

  • Demonstrate proficiency riding with one hand, to include:
    --Horsemanship pattern
    --Trail course of 8 or more obstacles, including sidepass
    --Speed event pattern with changes of lead as required

  • Design a polework exercise and discuss conditioning benefits.

  • Ride across varying terrain at all three gaits, demonstrating balance of horse and rider while negotiating hills and banks.

  • Participate in at least one of the following activities:
    --Working cattle
    --Introductory reining pattern
    --Trail ride of four or more hours, on a horse demonstrating appropriate conditioning

The Purple and Teal Levels are designed for dedicated equestrians eager to move past the basics and develop intermediate skills. These riders may be your eager competitors or future horse trainers; they may learn to effectively ride and bring along green horses; they should acquire a strong foundation that will allow them to pursue any equestrian discipline they choose.

Not all recreational students will achieve Purple and Teal ribbons. These levels (particularly Teal) require hours of practice and, for the average rider, an increased commitment to fitness. To pass each requirement, students should be able to demonstrate these skills consistently, not just one time on a push button horse! It is as important for students to be honest about their goals as it is for instructors to clearly outline the requirements of the work. 

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