Horsemanship Level #4 Green
Demonstrate ability to safely catch horse in both stall and field.
Prepare for a lesson independently in fifteen minutes or less.
Discuss procedure for warm-up, cooldown, with consideration of weather, footing, fitness level of horse.
Ride bareback confidently at the walk and trot, balancing independently of hands.
Demonstrate the following maneuvers:
-- reinback
-- rating speed at the walk and trot
-- large circle at canter
-- change of direction with simple change at canter
Demonstrate awareness of posting diagonals, including change of diagonal when changing rein.
Demonstrate awareness of leads.
Ride the jog for a minimum of five minutes without stirrups.
Drop stirrups and pick up again, without looking down, at the jog.
Lope over a single ground pole.
Jog over a grid of poles with reins knotted and arms outstretched.
Ride barrel pattern at the jog, both sitting and posting.
Ride bareback confidently at the walk and jog, balancing independently of hands.