Horsemanship Level #3 Yellow
Tack and untack independently, in less than twenty minutes.
Adjust stirrups and girth while mounted.
Perform an emergency dismount at the trot.
Demonstrate use of disengagement and pulley rein by halting horse from trot.
Ride smooth walk-trot transitions, maintaining balanced position.
Demonstrate knowledge and awareness of posting diagonals.
Demonstrate the following maneuvers at walk and trot:
-- large circle
-- figure-8
-- serpentine
-- half circle, half-turn and diagonal with change of posting diagonal
Ride USDF Intro Test A or B, showing knowledge of elementary dressage terms and figures.
Ride on the longe at walk and trot without stirrups and reins.
Drop stirrups and pick up again, without looking down, at the walk.
Ride at the jog without stirrups, once around arena.
Stand in stirrups at the jog, developing ability to remain balanced independent of hands.
Ride grid of three or more poles, demonstrating ability to stay with the horse’s motion at walk and jog.
Ride a ground pole course at the jog with opening and closing circles, good approaches.